Week 2: The week of April 9th

Class feedback for Project 1 — small groups.

In class exercise #1: Download and work on grid exercise n.1 from the Resources section. Print out and trim your designs and bring them to next week’s class.

After you print out your design, read Elam p 5 – 33, then assess your initial designs based off of the reading. Write down three things you could change about your initial designs to improve them. Bring your write up to class with your original designs.

In class exercise #2: Download and work on grid exercise n.2 from the Resources section. Print out and trim your designs and bring them to next week’s class.

After you print out your design, read Elam p 46 – 61, then assess your initial designs based off of the reading. Write down three things you could change about your initial designs to improve them. Bring your write up to class with your original designs.


Homework: Refine project 1 — Multi-column grid

Refine and finish Project 1 based off of in-class feedback. Work on your micro-typography: kerning, letter spacing, tracking, word spacing, leading, line lengths, typographic sins, etc.

What will be due next week:

A print out of your 15” x 20” poster and a composite PDF which includes the following:

• A paragraph or two about the key visual components of what inspire you most about the International Typographic Style / Swiss Style. Show a couple of sample images to illustrate what you mean.

• 5 unique sketches (1 sketch per page) that works with alignments, groupings, creating simple hierarchies, and allows for negative space.

* (OPTIONAL: Add snapshots of some of your design iterations as you worked towards your final design to show how your design progressed.

• Your final design

• Your final design with the underlying grid structure visible


Required Reading:

Elam p 5 – 33.
Elam p 46 – 61.

Recommended reading:

Samara 21–32.

"How to" Review:

Chapter 5: Leading (Lynda.com)
Chapter 6: Kerning and Tracking (Lynda.com)
Chapter 7: Small But Important Details (Lynda.com)

Chapter 8: Alignment (Lynda.com)